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The Apostolic Bible Polyglot
The Bible includes a 13 page Introduction, a 1232 page numerically coded interlinear Greek-English Old Testament (LXX), a numerically coded 372 page interlinear Greek-English New Testament, an 88 page numerically coded English-Greek Index of The Apostolic Bible Polyglot, and a 366 page numerically coded Lexical Concordance of The Apostolic Bible Polyglot...totaling 2112 pages. The numerical coding is called the ”AB-Strong Numbering System.” The AB-Strong numbering system follows the numbering system developed by James Strong in the 19th century and it has been adapted to The Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Old Testament (LXX) by the translator.
Pour en savoir plus sur cette Bible, celle des premiers chrétiens
Version électronique de cette Bible